Free trial Class
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Pricing & FAQ
Concussion Safety Course
Job Opportunitites
Little Ninjas
Green Level (Beginner)
Blue Level (Intermediate)
Red Level (Advanced)
Private Lessons
Class Time Requests
Kids Yoga Registration
Birthdays & Gatherings
Field Trips & Private Events
Gymnastics/Cheer Event
Parkour Event Registration
Mother's Group Registration
School Fundraiser Registration
Fundraising Event Registration
Drop and Date
Holiday Event/Camp
Preschool Passport
Ninja & Warrior Passports
Parkour Passports
Gymnastics Passports
Open Gym
Liability Waiver
Free trial Class
About Us
Pricing & FAQ
Concussion Safety Course
Job Opportunitites
Little Ninjas
Green Level (Beginner)
Blue Level (Intermediate)
Red Level (Advanced)
Private Lessons
Class Time Requests
Kids Yoga Registration
Birthdays & Gatherings
Field Trips & Private Events
Gymnastics/Cheer Event
Parkour Event Registration
Mother's Group Registration
School Fundraiser Registration
Fundraising Event Registration
Drop and Date
Holiday Event/Camp
Preschool Passport
Ninja & Warrior Passports
Parkour Passports
Gymnastics Passports
Open Gym
Liability Waiver
I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge voluntary participation on behalf of
My Minor(s)
Name of Participant(s)
to take part in Flip & Twist classes, routines, and exercises operated by Flip & Twist and its owners, employees, representatives and/or affiliates.
I have read an agree to the above clause.
I am aware that participation in classes, routines, and exercises will require me to engage in many vigorous physical activities. I am voluntarily participating in these activities with the knowledge that there are possible risks involved, including serious injury, and even death. I hereby assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation and agree to accept any and all risks of injury, and/or death as a result of my participation in these routines and exercises.
I have read and agree to the above clause.
I am aware that the routines, exercises, and movements top by Flip & Twist are based on the techniques utilized in gymnastics, ninja warrior, Parkour & Free running, and are intended to be performed only while under the strict supervision of a trained professional. I hear by assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation, and agree to accept any and all risks of injury, and/or death, as a result of my participation in these routines and exercises.
I have read and agree to the above clause.
I am aware that the routines, exercises, and movements taught by Flip & Twist are based on the techniques utilized in gymnastics, ninja warrior, parkour & free running, and are intended to be performed only while under the strict supervision of a trained professional. I hereby assume all risks and hazards incidental to my practice of said routines, exercises, and movements if I choose to perform or practice set routines and/or exercises and/or movements, outside of class, whether or not, I am under set supervision, including, but not limited to, any routine, exercise, or movement, similar to or associated with gymnastics, ninja warrior, parkour, free, running, or anything, taught or advocated by Flip & Twist.
I have read and agree to the above clause.
I grant permission to the employees and the representatives of Flip & Twist to authorize and obtain emergency medical care from any licensed physician, hospital, or medical clinic in the event that such care is required.
I have read and agree to the above clause.
I grant permission to Flip & Twist to use my name, likeness, and photograph for the purpose of publicity, public relations, editorial, or other advertising purposes, without restriction, as to frequency or duration.
I have read and agree to the above clause.
I have carefully read this agreement before executing it, and acknowledge that I am signing this agreement voluntarily, and with the full intent of releasing Flip & Twist from any, and all claims arising as a result of my participation in the classes, routines, and exercises.
I have read and agree to the above clause.
Name of Signer - MUST be Parent or Legal Guardian if Participant(s) is a minor.
First Name
Last Name
Signer's Email
Signer's Birthdate
Signer's Phone
Emergency Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Phone
Typed Signature of Signer
I hereby certify that I am the Parent or Legal Guardian of the above mentioned participants.
Thank you!